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Meet Mighty Patrick

When did you find out that things in the pregnancy were not going perfectly? Did you know you would have to spend time in the NICU? My pregnancy with Patrick was a struggle mostly due to my high blood pressure. I did not know I would have Patrick early and he would need to be in the NICU until after I delivered him two months early. Tell us about the birth of Patrick and meeting him for the first time. The first time meeting Patrick was very surreal. Although I met him as soon as I delivered him, he immediately was taken to the NICU. Words cannot express all of the thoughts going through my mind the first time I saw him in the NICU. It is a moment I will never forget. I was happy to see he was OK, but I had no idea that the NICU was going to be his “home” for the next two months. What were the first days in the NICU like? Did it seem to get easier as the days went on? The first week seems like a blur because I was trying to take everything in. Each day was so different. Some good and some really tough days. I do think that in the beginning it seemed like the days got harder and harder. What was the hardest part about the day to day in the NICU? The hardest part of the day in the NICU was when I would have to leave for the night. I hated those few hours that I would go home without him. Do you have any suggestions or coping suggestions for other Moms in your position? I suggest journaling or keeping your own notes about the journey. I wished that someone told me to do that! I also think taking time for yourself is so important! Go out for lunch, meet your friend at the mall, or just relax at home. Give yourself some “you” time and know that you can’t be there 24/7 and that’s ok! What was the biggest challenge that you had to face forPatrick since being home? The biggest challenge that we needed to face was all the extra support that Patrick would need. When did you know that Patrick would need extra therapies and how have the therapies helped? We knew that Patrick would need extra support as soon as he was released from the NICU. The therapies that Patrick has received have helped him so much! He has made so much progress and continues to make us proud everyday. How did you hear about Bee Mighty and what made you apply? I heard about Bee Mighty from Handprint and Footsteps Pediatric Therapy. He receives OT and speech services there. What does a typical day with Patrick look like now? Patrick goes to Kindergarten and he loves school! When Patrick’s home he loves to play with his sister Madison. Any advice you would give another family going through the process? Anything that really helped you get through the experience? Take one day at a time and never give up! The support that we received from friends and family got us through the tough days. The support that we continue to receive from his teachers, therapists, doctors, and the Bee Mighty foundation helps us know that we are not alone! So many people care about Patrick and that makes us extremely grateful.

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